Friday, March 10, 2006

Pandora Music

So thanks to a friend I found this new website:

This is an interactive site where you can choose what kind of music you listen to. Simply set up a station and type in a Singer or song you like. The program will do the rest. If you type in "Madonna" for example it will play pop/rock, lots of 80s, etc.

The more info you give it the smarter it gets. If you don't like a cong it plays simply tell it and it will minimize how often the type of song is played. I have been using Yahoo Launchcast which is similar, but this is a different system. This will play songs that may not have been a top 40 song. I have really enjoyed this program.

When you are listening to a song you can ask it "Why did you play this song?" This is what it told me about Toby Keith's "As Good As I Once Was"

Based on what you've told us so far, we're playing this track because it features country roots, acoustic rhythm piano, mixed acoustic and electric instrumentation, major key tonality and many other similatiries identified in the music genome project.

So based on this it will play songs that have country roots, acoustic rythym piano... etc.

Very cool.

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