I have been away for a while spending time figuring out what I want to do and who I am. It's quite a thing having time to be. I am now spending time looking for a job. I want a place where it will be right for me so it is taking more time then I anticipated. In the mean time Bill and I went by Uncle's games to pick up a puzzle. There sitting in the window is THE WORLDS LARGEST PUZZLE. http://www.worldslargestpuzzle.com/ This thing is 24,000 pieces, prior to it's release in March 2007 the largest puzzle was 18,000 pieces. So Bill and I agree we must attempt this thing. The puzzle comes in 4 sections. Section 1 is Hot air balloons and lots and lots of fish. LOL

So on Sunday, August 19, 2007 we went down to the store and picked it up. Lex was home from school for the weekend so we started sorting the first section. I will keep you updating as we go through it. It's been great so far. :-) Although Bill thinks I am crazy for wanting to do it. :-)
More soon.
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