Monday, May 11, 2009

I need a vacation...

Okay playing catch up. Life is hectic right now as we try and enjoy the wonderful weekend weather we have been having and make sure the house is ready to sell.

So it’s been a while I will try and catch everyone up on what has been going on. We went to Opening Day at Safeco. Seeing Griffey back with the Mariner’s was a huge treat. The energy at the ballgame was more intense then I have seen since Ichiro hit his 277 (or whatever). It was so nice seeing a crowd of people that didn’t’ just up and leave after the 7th inning stretch.

Bill and I have been walking/hiking anytime the weather is over 50 degrees and on Sunny days over 60 we have been going topless. I LOVE having the jeep when the weather is nice. Our Acura is collecting dust sadly.

Other then that, we have been cleaning the house every spare moment. Every time I think we are close to having it done Bill comes up with 200 more things we have to do and then in the mean time we make more messes in the areas we live in. UGH UGH UGH. I am used to moving out of places when I am done and doing one big clean and handing the keys over to the landlord. Another 50 reasons never to buy a stick house. ARGH! I honestly wish we could move out because then there wouldn’t be any daily mess.

It’s raining today which lately just brings me down but it will be sunny again by the weekend. At least its not too hot or too cold.

We went to REI this weekend and picked up more Camelbaks to use this summer. We are realizing they would have been a godsend to have when we were at Disney last fall.

Another reason to be happy we bought a jeep? This weekend after filling my camelbak for a walk I apparently did not reseal the GALLON jug of water tightly enough. On the way home it tipped over and Whooosh a gallon of water on the floor of the back seat. Oh well. Grab a towel and mop it up… the rugs just let it seep right out. No worries. :-D

I will try and blog more. Lately there really hasn’t been much other then cleaning (ARGH!) and more cleaning (ARGH!) and the occasional hike. Looking forward to summer. We will have lots going on this summer and that will hopefully keep us from making MORE mess in the House. We will hope.

I will leave you with one of my favorite quotes:

A too clean house is the sign of a wasted life. :-D

1 comment:

Char said...

A clean house -- had one for five minutes once, I think!
Glad to see you back! I've missed your missives (the short ones just don't quite do it!).