Vegas was more fun than I could ever have imagined. Not being a gambler I had thought the most of what is Vegas is gambling. When I realized I was going to be in Vegas I began doing research. I found out that Vegas is basically a second New York in it's Quality shows. I researched for months trying to decide which shows to see. I have seen cirque de sole shows when I lived in FL and I have seen a few different Broadway shows in various parts of the country but there was a show I had never been able to see, Phantom of the Opera. I love the story and so when I found out the show is running in Vegas I was excited. I contemplated a number of other shows but kept coming back to this one. Part of the reason is Bill also very much likes the story and has already seen the play and the movie and has the soundtracks. So we both agreed to go. When we will researching ticket prices we saw that the best seats in the house were available. We had 7 rows back center stage. The cost was a bit higher but I have saved and saved for this trip and figured I may only be in Vegas once so I might as well get the best experience. So when Andrew Lloyd Webber decided to bring Phantom to Vegas they decided to build an entire 1800s style opera house for the audience to sit in. The opera house was fantastic and we sat for several minutes before the show and gawked at it. Unfortunately they will not let people take pictures so if you want to see it check out the Venetian hotel in Vegas' website and you can see them. The lights go down and the show keeps you on the edge of your seat from start to finish. There are a few scenes that have been shortened to make the show more "Vegas Style" and while die hards may find this repulsive I did not miss them much (Bill agreed.) The woman that Plays Christine is very good… a little less innocent looking then I think should be for the part but in Vegas… innocence is probably hard to come by. The man that plays Raoul is FANTASTIC. (of course the fact that he looks similar to Colin Firth didn't hurt him…LOL) When I saw the movie version I was routing for the Phantom because I absolutely hated the guy that played Raoul but in this version he absolutely and completely won me over. The man that played the Phantom was quite good as well but the men that played Raoul really stole the show for me.
After the show we walked around the Venetian. We had talked about doing a Gondola ride but when we found out the wait was an hour and a half we grabbed a cappuccino gelato and walked out onto Las Vegas Blvd. We headed towards Treasure Island and got there just too late to catch the show there so we head down to Margaritaville and have dinner. Bill wanted a souvenir cup and I was not apposed to the idea so we headed to the bar and grabbed drinks… Bill got a MONDO margarita in this very cool MASSIVE glass.

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