Happy Saturday!
New Mexico has been an experience I shall not forget for a long time. When I came out of the hotel to load the car this morning I see that Bill has killed and mounted a tumbleweed onto the hood of the car… ok so actually it looks like we just hit one along the road but I thought it was funny so I took a picture. There is an Ortega Aztec store in the hotel and as I wander through I spy a gorgeous pair of heart shaped earrings that are turquoise and coral and a few other colors. I decide I must have these so I bought them. I am hoping to find something more at a few of the other Indian stores.
Mmmmmmm fry bread.
I was able to pick up another pair of earrings from one of the stores that is owned by Navajo. The store I decide to spend my money at only sells handmade items by local people. Many of the other stores are very tourist trappy and I know from living in Florida which stores are the best to support.
The Petrified Forest and the Painted desert are amazing. I can barely begin to describe the beauty and colors. Between these sights and the Arches I am more amazed at the beauty that nature creates. The pictures we take do not show the true vast variety of colors. Today is a perfecdt day to be here due to the sun and light cloud cover. The clouds move over the land casting shadows across the desert and enhancing and dulling colors. It is fascinating to stand and just watch the colors change.

We end up spending more time in the Desert and the Forest then we had planned and will be staying in Winslow tonight. No internet at our hotel and we are too tired to bother with it.
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